Saturday, March 31, 2012

Internet Coupons Where to Find and How to Print

Updated:  April 1, 2012

Today’s topic… INTERNET COUPONS!  Just another great way to obtain coupons right from home, with no newpaper buying necessary!  The best part… you don’t have to leave your house, you can do it in your jammies, and it works at 3 a.m. when you just can’t sleep!  Tee hee.

On the first of every month, all of the major suppliers of coupons reset their coupon databases.  So, stop by and check them out to see what you are interested in!  BE SURE TO CHECK AND PRINT EARLY IN THE MONTH BECAUSE SOMETIMES THE GOOD ONES GO FAST!  Be sure to check at the LAST DAY of the month, too to see if there are ones there that you would like a last print on before they change them for the next month!

YOU ONLY GET TWO PRINTS OF EACH COUPON!  Unless you can use a printer at a friend’s, your parents’, or even at work… then you can get more.  But, typically, you only get two. 

Also, some of the websites I’ve been referring you to will have a link to print an internet coupon.  It usually leads you to one of these places, which are major sources of internet coupons:

Bricks aka




Proctor & Gamble:

Recommendation:  At times, you will find internet coupons to be "regional."  So, you might need to change the zip code you are searching in to locate the one you want.  Usually, the person posting will list what zip code they found it in.  Yes, the coupon will still be valid when you use it locally.  It just won't show up if you type in your own zip code.
Yes, you will have to "download" the coupon printer software.  It's perfectly normal and okay to do so.  Don't worry.  You will not be able to print internet coupons without it. 

Additionally, you can find internet coupons on company websites, Facebook sites, and other coupon blog sites such as, etc, that I have recommended before.

So, ladies and gentlemen, start your printers!! But more than anything... Enjoy!

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