Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Couponing 101 -- Part Two

How to Begin Couponing -- Part II

If you've stuck with me through Part One, you're probably ready for Part Two.

My next recommendations:

1.  Get yourself a separate email account for JUST couponing (or junk mail).  Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, (Mom, add it to your AOL), Comcast, wherever... it doesn't matter.  BUT, it *will* keep your regular inbox from being inundated with stuff you may not be interested in reading right away (or maybe never).  You can get really valuable updates, coupons, etc. from companies this way, though.  However, since it's separate, you will still be able to read your regular emails and won't miss the notes from Great Aunt Gert, either.  :) 

2.  It might be worthwhile to get a separate facebook with the above email account, too.  Often really good coupons can be had by "liking" a particular product on Facebook.  But then when that company posts things, it shows up in your news feed... I try to keep my friends separate from my coupons on FB.  I only check the coupon FB when I have time and am looking for "deals."  I check my regular FB regularly to keep in touch with my friends.

3.  If a store offers one, get one of those little key chain cards!!  Rite Aid, CVS (and get a Green-Bag Tag from CVS, too.  Spend the $1.  It's totally worth it!  Trust me!  We'll talk about that more later.), Stop and Shop, Shaws', etc.  I even have one from Godiva (it gives me one free chocolate from their store case a month... yum!).   USE YOUR NEW "COUPONING EMAIL" WHEN SIGNING UP FOR THESE.  Keeps your inbox uncluttered.

4.  Wednesday is grocery flyer day.  This is when you should most likely get some sale flyers in the mail usually from the grocery stores.  It will give you an idea of what food is on sale this week so you can plan your menu -- or plan to stock up, based on your needs.  Look them over.  If you are planning on shopping at WalMart and price-matching -- SAVE THEM. 

Shaws' sales run from Friday to Thursday
Hannaford sales run from Sunday to Saturday
Trucchi's sales run from Sunday to Saturday
Stop and Shop sales run from Friday through Thursday

You don't need to memorize this, they are written on the bottom of the flyers.  It's just good to know. 

Okay.  Recap: 

Lesson 1 --   Brand loyalty is usually bad, unless you HAVE to have a specific brand.  You might shop in different places than you used to.  As you go along you will learn store policies.  Buy one paper on Sunday.

Lesson 2:  Create a new email account for couponing.  Probably create a separate Facebook, too -- Use these only when you want or need to.  Get those little key chain cards.  Look over flyers, save if you are shopping at Walmart. 

Still with me?  Good.  That wasn't so hard, was it?

Talk to you more a little later this week!  Sunday's coming!  You excited yet?  I am PSYCHED!

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