Saturday, March 31, 2012

Internet Coupons Where to Find and How to Print

Updated:  April 1, 2012

Today’s topic… INTERNET COUPONS!  Just another great way to obtain coupons right from home, with no newpaper buying necessary!  The best part… you don’t have to leave your house, you can do it in your jammies, and it works at 3 a.m. when you just can’t sleep!  Tee hee.

On the first of every month, all of the major suppliers of coupons reset their coupon databases.  So, stop by and check them out to see what you are interested in!  BE SURE TO CHECK AND PRINT EARLY IN THE MONTH BECAUSE SOMETIMES THE GOOD ONES GO FAST!  Be sure to check at the LAST DAY of the month, too to see if there are ones there that you would like a last print on before they change them for the next month!

YOU ONLY GET TWO PRINTS OF EACH COUPON!  Unless you can use a printer at a friend’s, your parents’, or even at work… then you can get more.  But, typically, you only get two. 

Also, some of the websites I’ve been referring you to will have a link to print an internet coupon.  It usually leads you to one of these places, which are major sources of internet coupons:

Bricks aka




Proctor & Gamble:

Recommendation:  At times, you will find internet coupons to be "regional."  So, you might need to change the zip code you are searching in to locate the one you want.  Usually, the person posting will list what zip code they found it in.  Yes, the coupon will still be valid when you use it locally.  It just won't show up if you type in your own zip code.
Yes, you will have to "download" the coupon printer software.  It's perfectly normal and okay to do so.  Don't worry.  You will not be able to print internet coupons without it. 

Additionally, you can find internet coupons on company websites, Facebook sites, and other coupon blog sites such as, etc, that I have recommended before.

So, ladies and gentlemen, start your printers!! But more than anything... Enjoy!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Free Samples!  Great stuff, those free samples!  I (heart) samples!

Here is a pic of what I received this week in samples... 
This week only I received samples and coupons for Eucerin lotion, Garnier 2-in-1 shampoo, 6 single-serve Taster's Choice instant coffee, Purex, MegaRed Krill Oil, LaCoste cologne for men, and 3 Buy One Get One Free Yankee Candle coupons!  And there are still more I signed up for that are coming! 

Getting free samples in the mail makes going to your mailbox a lot more fun every day!  I look forward to going to the mailbox to find out what might be in there besides those nasty bills. 

Also, samples usually come with high-value coupons, to boot!  How can you go wrong?  AND, you get to try out free product to see if you like it.  If nothing else, you can donate your sample to charity.

But, where do you find samples?  I have a few suggestions for places to check when you're just surfing the net:

Sometimes these places require you to "like" companies on Facbeook -- Use your Coupon-Only Facebook address.  Also, they usually ask you to provide an email address -- This is where your "coupon only" email address comes in handy (See Couponing 101 -- Part Two). 

Good luck, and happy sampling!!  :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Couponing 101 -- Part Two

How to Begin Couponing -- Part II

If you've stuck with me through Part One, you're probably ready for Part Two.

My next recommendations:

1.  Get yourself a separate email account for JUST couponing (or junk mail).  Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, (Mom, add it to your AOL), Comcast, wherever... it doesn't matter.  BUT, it *will* keep your regular inbox from being inundated with stuff you may not be interested in reading right away (or maybe never).  You can get really valuable updates, coupons, etc. from companies this way, though.  However, since it's separate, you will still be able to read your regular emails and won't miss the notes from Great Aunt Gert, either.  :) 

2.  It might be worthwhile to get a separate facebook with the above email account, too.  Often really good coupons can be had by "liking" a particular product on Facebook.  But then when that company posts things, it shows up in your news feed... I try to keep my friends separate from my coupons on FB.  I only check the coupon FB when I have time and am looking for "deals."  I check my regular FB regularly to keep in touch with my friends.

3.  If a store offers one, get one of those little key chain cards!!  Rite Aid, CVS (and get a Green-Bag Tag from CVS, too.  Spend the $1.  It's totally worth it!  Trust me!  We'll talk about that more later.), Stop and Shop, Shaws', etc.  I even have one from Godiva (it gives me one free chocolate from their store case a month... yum!).   USE YOUR NEW "COUPONING EMAIL" WHEN SIGNING UP FOR THESE.  Keeps your inbox uncluttered.

4.  Wednesday is grocery flyer day.  This is when you should most likely get some sale flyers in the mail usually from the grocery stores.  It will give you an idea of what food is on sale this week so you can plan your menu -- or plan to stock up, based on your needs.  Look them over.  If you are planning on shopping at WalMart and price-matching -- SAVE THEM. 

Shaws' sales run from Friday to Thursday
Hannaford sales run from Sunday to Saturday
Trucchi's sales run from Sunday to Saturday
Stop and Shop sales run from Friday through Thursday

You don't need to memorize this, they are written on the bottom of the flyers.  It's just good to know. 

Okay.  Recap: 

Lesson 1 --   Brand loyalty is usually bad, unless you HAVE to have a specific brand.  You might shop in different places than you used to.  As you go along you will learn store policies.  Buy one paper on Sunday.

Lesson 2:  Create a new email account for couponing.  Probably create a separate Facebook, too -- Use these only when you want or need to.  Get those little key chain cards.  Look over flyers, save if you are shopping at Walmart. 

Still with me?  Good.  That wasn't so hard, was it?

Talk to you more a little later this week!  Sunday's coming!  You excited yet?  I am PSYCHED!

Couponing 101 -- Part One (Updated)

How to Begin Couponing 101 -- Part One

1. Unless you have an allergy or REALLY, REALLY dislike something... you no longer have brand loyalty. Let's face it... do you really CARE if you are using Suave or Arm & Hammer deodorant? Colgate? Crest? If it meant that you could get your deodorant for FREE or pennies would it make a difference then? These are decisions you need to make. I find, I don't care. All of the items we're going to purchase are NAME-BRAND. Nothing is store-brand. ***Additionally, if it's a FREE item, you might consider just getting it and donating it to a charity -- or a friend or family member in need.***

2. You might be shopping in a couple different places than you used to shop. I didn't realize how much I LOVED CVS until I began couponing. I used to HATE Target, but now I will frequent there. You must also consider gas, too... I like Middleboro because it has a CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Hannaford, what was a Stop and Shop all right there. I think it's a Trucchis(?) now. Also Walmart is just down the street, too.

3. You'll get to know the policies of the stores you frequent: 

  • Walmart will price-match any store.  BRING FLYER.
  • Trucchi's, Stop and Shop, and Shaws'  double your coupons up to 99 cents.
  • CVS, Walgreens, and Rite-Aid have deals where you get "Extra Bucks" or "Register Rewards" for purchasing certain items (aka FREE MONEY to spend on other items!)
  • Target has their own store-coupons that you can use with manufacturer coupons so you can STACK for bigger savings.  They also offer gift cards for purchasing certain combinations of items.   

Sounds like a lot, I know. But, really, it isn't. There are a bunch of websites that do all the work for you, actually!! :)

My recommendations are and also
A good friend recommends

4. On Sunday, in the morning, go buy a newspaper that has coupons in it. I like the Boston Herald because it is only $2. Remember, we're trying to go CHEAP here! CHECK your newspaper before you buy it to make sure it has the coupons in it!! Last week, I had to snag a Red Plum coupon flyer out of another paper because it wasn't IN the paper I had picked up... Sneaky newspaper people. Grrr...

Now, click on the link below to read Part Two and continue learning the basics!!  Not too much more to go!  Hang in there!  Click the link below to see Part II for some advanced tips:;postID=307729806001591819